Monday, February 11, 2013

Assignment 04, Zaw Kevin

For this assignment, I am going to make an animated short film called "The Adventures of Abe, Abe, and Abe"

The story is about the adventures of three Abrahams.

I have the script and storyboards  ready. It's a project that I've been planning on animating for awhile ( Now that I've learned a thing or two about Flash, it's possible to make this film happen )

It's gonna be about 30 seconds long and action-oriented. But there's going to be a decent amount of blabbermouthing involved as well.. (Dialog!!)

Title Card

Beats are like the lazy version of storyboards. That's how you halfass in the class and still maintain your professional composure (Not sure if it's working though)

There's gonna be zombies, snickerbars, hollywood, heavenly coffee and a muscle car. 


Character Designs for the main characters folks!


Abraham from the Bible refused to kill his son.
God got mad and sent him to the post-apocalyptic 70's to .. uh.. fight off and kill all the zombies but he didn't let him do it alone. God sent Abe Lincoln and Abe Vigoda to help the Bible Abe out.
3 Abes teamed up and went on a zombie wackin spree.
Eventually, they eliminated all the zombies. 
God turn it into a Hollywood blockbuster and made some heavenly cash out of it.
And when God asked the Bible Abe if he had learned his lesson.. if he's going to kill his son now, Abe said no again.

This one is final

This semi-animated storyboard covers the whole show

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